exhibition view 交大藝文空間 2020
exhibition view 交大藝文空間 2020
exhibition view 交大藝文空間 2020
The Lightness of Being
 Turning from the noisy city to my quiet, intimate surroundings, I start paying attention to the environment of my daily life. I find something charming in the most mundane of things, such as the soap in my bathroom, just lying there on the soap holder, like a couple sleeping in the bed. It is funny that I can confirm my existence from my tooth paste, my razor, my quilt, instead of seeking the outside world. I like the personal quality in my work. I enjoy the private time shaving in the shower, lying on the floor enjoy the sunshine and waking up seeing the wind swaying the branches of the tree. The lightness of being is what I know for the period of time living in New York city.

The Lightness of Being
此系列主要在探索女性的自省與身體自覺,以Waiting for Calling為例,坐在公園長椅的女人,背對著鏡頭,我們不知道她在想什麼或者她在等誰,她一個人,靜靜的坐在那兒,等待生命的呼召。彩色照片拼貼系列是在美國研究所時期的畢業製作,以底片拍單格影像後,在暗房手工放大,再將多張影像手工拼貼在一起。拼貼的表現方式,嘗試跳脫傳統單張影像敘事的限制,透過影像之間的連結互動,擴展影像的表現語彙。
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