exhibition view 非常廟藝文空間 VT Artsalon 2008

exhibition view 非常廟藝文空間 VT Artsalon 2008
From New York to Hualien
My year of enjoying life in New York came to an end this summer. We moved back to our home country, and settled down in Hualien, what people describe as the last pure land in Taiwan. From the hustle and bustle of the world’s art capital to a quiet town on the coast, from a high-end apartment by the Hudson River to an old house for civil servants that reminded me so much of a typical house for military dependents, in this process of transitioning and finding peace for my body and soul, I found that behind the quietness and beauty in the foundation of my daily life was a resting place for my anxious soul.
In an autumn afternoon, the sunset reflects on the slow-flowing Hudson River, the sea breeze blowing gently into every corner of our house.
The shadows of the trees in Central Park were like streams; the abundant orange daylilies bloom quietly on Chike Mountain.
The trusting gaze from our dog, the gentle look from my love.
In all of them, I seemed to get a glimpse of the presence of the Creator.
My existence felt even more real when all objects demonstrated their true selves.