photo by Chung Soon-Long
Lo Hui-Yu was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan in 1972. She obtained her MFA degree from Long Island University’s School of Visual and Performing Arts in 1998, and is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Applied Arts of National Chiao Tung University.  Her works have been featured in exhibitions around the world, including in Taiwan, the United States, Australia, Italy, and Russia. In 2006 Lo represented Taiwan in the 1st Novosibirsk International Festival of Contemporary Photography at the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, the first time an exhibition by a Taiwanese artist had ever been featured in Siberia. In recent years, her work has focused on issues of female identity and motherhood. Lo is currently a resident of Hualien County at the east coast of Taiwan and teaches at National Dong Hwa University.

1998 Master of Fine Art Degree, Long Island University, New York, USA

Solo Exhibitions
2024 Floating Illusion, Good Underground Art Space, Hualien, Taiwan
2021 Metaphor of Time, 1985 Music Apartment, Taiwan
2020 Tears are Made of Ocean Waves, NCTU Gallery, Taiwan
2019 Keep Drinking, NDHU Artopia Art Space, Taiwan
2018 The Self-gazing of a Mother, Goodeatss gallery, Taiwan
2018 Another Quiet Day, A Good Day Records, Taiwan
2012 Magic Twilight, Wenshui Visitor Center of Shei-pa National Park, Taiwan
2011 Phantom of Flower, WAA HOUSE, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 Metaphor of Time, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 Lai Lai Hotel, NTHU Arts Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2005 Presence and Absence, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space, Taiwan
2005 East Meets West, NCYU Library, Hsinchu, Taiwan
1998 Street Visions, National Photography Museum, Brescia, Italy
1998 The Lightness of Being, Art League Gallery, Brookville, New York

Selected Group Exhibitions
2023 The 9th Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu Arts Center, Korea
2023 CORALE, Filarete Art Stidio, Empoli, Italy
2022 la fioritura umana, Centro perl'Arte Contemporanea della Rocca di Umbertide, Italy
2020 The 8th International Exhibition of Contemporary PhotographNovosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2019 Familia, OMSK Museum of Education, OMSK, Russia
2019 Being an Artist & a MotherTaoyuan Public Library, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2019 2019 Taoyuan Female Art Exhibition, Department of Culture Affairs, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2018 Should We Play?, Taipei Art District Festival, XUE XUE WHITE GALLERY, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Let’s Go Home with Art!, Good Underground Art Space, Hualien, Taiwan
2015 Whispering-Taiwan Digital Art Exhibition, Deji Plaza, Nanjing, China
2015 The Image of a Woman’s Appearance Start from Self-gazing, WAA HOUSE, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 The International Techno Art Exhibition of New Taipei City 2011, Taiwan
2011 The 9th Taoyuan Creation Award Taoyuan, Taiwan
2011 Artist Fair 2011, Taipei; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2010 NYC | International Perspectives, Russian Museum of Photography, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2010 The 3rd International Photography Biennale, Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2009 Engineers’ Fantasyland, Hsinchu Fine Arts Museum and Reclamation Hall, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2008 Eternal Adventureland–The Shin Leh Yuan Art Space 10th Anniversary Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts
2006 Different Dimension, International Photography Biennale, Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2006 City Mambo-International Exchange Exhibition, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, Sydney, Australia
1998 Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, Hillwood Art Museum, New York
1998 UMA Gallery, New York
1997 Italy Infrared Photography Association Group Show, Gubbio, Italy
1997 Art League Gallery, Brookville, New York
1996 Photography Department, Long Island University, New York

Permanent Collection, National Photography Museum, Brescia, Italy
Permanent Collection, Long Island University, Brookville, New York
Permanent Collection, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

羅惠瑜1972年出生於桃園新屋,1998年畢業於紐約長島大學(Long Island University)視覺藝術研究所,取得MFA學位,交通大學應用藝術研究所博士候選人。曾於台灣、美國、澳洲、義大利、俄羅斯等地展出。2006年代表台灣參加「第一屆俄羅斯國際攝影藝術節」於新西伯利亞國立美術(Novosibirsk State Art Museum館展出,是台灣藝術家首次在西伯利亞利區展出,具有開創性的意義。近年作品關注女性的自我認同與母職角色探討,目前任教於東華大學,持續進行影像藝術創作、展覽策劃及跨界合作。

1998 紐約長島大學,視覺藝術碩士(Master of Fine Arts degree

2024 「浮流幻影」,好地下藝術空間,台灣
2021  「時間的隱喻-司法新村之夜」,1985音樂公寓,台灣
2020 「眼淚是海洋作的-羅惠瑜攝影個展」,交通大學藝文空間,台灣
2019  「Keep Drinking - 羅惠瑜攝影個展」,藝托邦,台灣
2018  「媽媽的自我凝視」,美好花生,台灣
2018  「靜靜的生活-羅惠瑜攝影個展」,風和日麗唱片行,台灣
2012  「花光-羅惠瑜個展」,雪霸國家公園汶水遊客中心特展室,台灣
2011   「花魅-羅惠瑜個展」,女藝會藝響空間,台灣
2010  「時間的隱喻-司法新村之夜」,新樂園藝術空間,台灣
2006 「來來大飯店-羅惠瑜個展」,清大藝術工坊,台灣
2005 「顯現與不顯現-羅惠瑜個展」,新樂園藝術空間,台灣
2005 「遇見東西-羅惠瑜個展」,交通大學浩然展示廳,台灣
1998   “The Lightness of Being”, Art League Gallery, Brookville, New York
1998   “Street Vision”, National Photography Museum, Brescia, Italy

2023 「第九屆大邱攝影雙年展」, 大邱文化藝術中心, 南韓
2023  "CORALE", Filarete Art Stidio, Empoli, Italy
2022  "La Fioritura Umana", Centro perl'Arte Contemporanea della Rocca di Umbertide , Italy
2020  "The 8th International Exhibition of Contemporary Photograph”, Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2019   "Familia", OMSK Museum of Education, OMSK, Russia
2019  「我是母親也是藝術家」, 桃園市立圖書館龍潭分館, 桃園
2019  「蘊育.連結.擴張-2019年桃園女性藝術特展」, 桃園市政府文化局
2018  「大內藝術節  SHOULD WE PLAY?」, 學學白色空間, 台北
2018  「漬物文件展」, 花蓮文創園區, 花蓮
2018  「回返:攝影工作坊聯展」, 春秋飯店, 花蓮
2016  「新樂園藝術空間二十週年策劃展—花蓮區」, 好地下藝術空間, 花蓮
2015  「絮語—台灣數字藝術展」, 南京德基廣場一期中庭, 南京, 中國
2015  「女性外貌身影從我凝視開始」, 女藝會藝響空間, 台北
2012  「2012藝術家博覽會」, 松山文創園區, 台北
2012  「2012藝術家博覽會」, 台中文化創意產業園區, 台中
2011   「光子-新北市科技藝術國際交流展」, 美麗永安生活館, 新北市
2011   「百家照性別」,淡水漁人碼頭藝文空間,新北市
2011   「再聚 台灣當代攝影家邀請展」, 藝托邦藝文空間, 花蓮
2011   「2011藝術家博覽會」, 剝皮寮歷史街區, 台北
2011   「2011藝術家博覽會」, 駁二藝術特區, 高雄
2011   「第九屆桃源創作獎」, 桃園縣文化局桃園館, 桃園
2011   「查某人的厝 - 女藝家園開幕展」, 女藝會藝響空間, 台北
2010    "NYC | INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES", Russian Museum of Photography, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2010    "The 3rd International Photography Biennale", Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2009  「現在」聯展, 新樂園藝術空間, 台北
2009  「工程師的兒童樂園-新竹市第一屆科技藝術展」, 新竹市立美術館, 新竹
2008  「紐約風華攝影展」, 駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處, 美國
2008  「色相環-羅惠瑜 劉芸怡 郭慧禪 林芳宇 林宜賢 李佳祐的攝影敘事」, 非常廟藝文空間, 台北
2008  「新樂園十週年展-永恆的成人遊戲工廠」, 關渡美術館, 台北
2006   "Different Dimension, International Photography Biennale", Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia
2006  「城市曼波-台北新樂園藝術空間‧雪梨Stone Villa交流展」, 新樂園藝術空間, 台北
2006   "City Mambo-International Exchange Exhibition" , Chrissie Cotter Gallery, Sydney, Australia
2005  「2005年台北國際藝術博覽會」, 世貿中心, 台北
2004  「愛現」影像創作與思考通, 交通大學浩然展示廳, 新竹
2004  「打開心胸鐵鎚功」新樂園六期成員聯展, 新樂園藝術空間, 台北
1998    "Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition", Hillwood Art Museum, New York
1998    UMA Gallery, New York
1997    "Italy Infrared Photography Association Group Show", Gubbio, Italy
1997    Art League Gallery, Brookville, New York
1996    Photography Department, Long Island University, New York

紐約長島大學, 美國
國立交通大學, 台灣
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