exhibition view 桃園文化局 2011
exhibition view 新樂園藝術空間 2010
exhibition view 新樂園藝術空間 2010
The Metaphor of Time
After a year of leisure in New York, I moved to Hualien, the so-called legendary purity land in Taiwan. It was 2008, I with my husband encountered the fall from modern trendy NY apartment by Hudson River to this clumsy humid government dormitory. I spend quiet a period to comprehend such difference, by which matters occurred to me. The dilapidated and tedious housing altered my thinking and conveyed messages to me, and I’d say, there are things that were showed to me by Time.  
Si Fa Village, a government dormitory, is home to a large number of immigrants. For most of the community residents, this area is just a stop rather than a hometown. In the past 40 years, people who had once been here left traces of life, such as provisional buildings, mottled walls, messy plants, exposed tubes and wires, as well as wandering cats and dogs. These elements compose characteristics of this place, looking intolerable at the beginning, but when the moon comes, while it shows its magic wand, the fairies reveal fantasy and luminosity.
Did I see the aged time in this place or was it calling to me? As Jean Baudrillard once said, “Do you think to take pictures of a place is for your pleasure—In fact, the place wants to be photographed. You are only an extra during the time the place become a scene.” The moment you press the shutter, even though it’s called the decisive moment, such moment keeps self-expanding in this vacant space.

是我看到了這地的時間靈魂,還是這地在召喚我?布西亞曾書寫:「您以為是因為您有樂趣才會去拍攝某個場景(scène) - 事實上,是場景本身想要被拍攝。您只是在它成為場景(sa mise en scène)的過程中,扮演一個臨時演員的腳色。」看門按下那一剎那,即使稱它為決定性的瞬間,這個瞬間也不斷地自我衍生擴張,在這個無人的空間裡。

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